From Darkness to Laughter: Tracing the Ecranisation Transformations of 'Caging Skies' into 'Jojo Rabbit'

  • Qori Islami
  • Nadya Oktavia Universitas Lancang Kuning
Keywords: Ecranisation, Eneste's theory, Reduction, Addition, Variation


This study is an ecranisation study that aims to describe the adaptations of Christine Leunens' novel "Caging Skies" (2008) into Taika Waititi's film "Jojo Rabbit" (2019). It is a descriptive qualitative study that utilizes Eneste's theory of reduction, addition, and variation to analyze the changes found in the process of adapting the novel into the film. The primary data sources for this research are the text from the novel "Caging Skies" and scenes from the film "Jojo Rabbit". The findings reveal that there are numerous reductions, additions, and variations in the transformation process of the novel "Caging Skies" into the film "Jojo Rabbit". These changes include alterations in characters, scenes, names, locations, and even the genre itself. One significant change is the shift in genre, where Taika Waititi opts for a comedic approach in adapting the novel into his directed film, while Christine Leunens' original narrative is conveyed in a darker manner.


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How to Cite
Islami , Q., & Oktavia, N. (2024). From Darkness to Laughter: Tracing the Ecranisation Transformations of ’Caging Skies’ into ’Jojo Rabbit’. GELIGA JOURNAL : Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 1(1), 28-35.
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