Analisis Tindak Tutur Pada Roman Panggil Aku Sakai Karya Ediruslan Pe Amanriza

  • Elvania Elysa
  • Evizariza Evizariza
  • Idayanti Iik
Keywords: Bahasa, Tindak Tutur, Representatif, Direktif, Ekspresif, Komisif, Panggil Aku Sakai Karya Ediruslan Pe Amanriza


Currently, language has become a benchmark for conducting effective and perfect communication activities. This is due to the ease of using language to communicate and interact with others. In our daily lives, we also require various forms of language, such as spoken language, written language, and speech acts. However, language, especially in the form of speech acts, does not only occur in everyday life but can also be found in various written works, including literary works such as short stories, novels, and romances. It cannot be denied that inspiration from literary works, particularly romances, reflects aspects of everyday life and naturally employs language and speech acts within them. One of these romances is "Panggil Aku Sakai" by Ediruslan Pe Amanriza. This romance serves as the subject of the author's research, which employs a qualitative approach and a descriptive method. The research also emphasizes the study of speech acts, where several types of speech acts, such as representative, directive, expressive, and commissive, can be identified.


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How to Cite
Elysa , E., Evizariza, E., & Iik , I. (2023). Analisis Tindak Tutur Pada Roman Panggil Aku Sakai Karya Ediruslan Pe Amanriza. GELIGA JOURNAL : Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 1(1), 1-12.
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