• Fiki Indah Lestari Universitas Riau
  • Mita Rosaliza Universitas Riau
Keywords: Foklore, Gendong Dance, Representative Simbolic, Akit Tribe Bengkalis


Gendong dance is part of half-oral folklore whose creator is unknown and its inheritance is carried out from mouth to mouth by their generations. In presenting the symbolic message of the dance it consists of offerings, the attributes used and the dancer's body movements contained a message that was closely related to the myths in the supporting community. This dance as a whole has a meaning as a summon of spirits that are believed to be able to dispose reinforcements. In the wedding procession, this dance is believed to be able to throw away the reinforcements and give blessings to the lives of the two brides. In the dance, there is a symbol that shows how the community interacts with these symbols and the meaning contained in them. The dance has same functions, they are ritual function, a social function, and tradition preservation function. In the ritual function, is found in a marriage ceremony and treatment ceremony. The social function is as entertainment for the Akit people while the function of preserving the tradition is as an encouragement for the Akit community in preserving their culture and traditions.


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