• Araf Aliwijaya UGM
  • Tri Rahma Universitas Gadjah Mada
  • Dyah Ayu Kusuma Dewandaru UGM
Keywords: Bibliometric, Citation, Half life of literature, Research trends


This study aims to analyze the trend of Diplomatic publications in the Applied Archive Journal of Gadjah Mada University in the 2017-2019 year. The data collected is in the form of keywords and bibliography. This research uses a quantitative approach with the bibliometric method. Analysis was carried out on citations by tabulating them using the Ms. application. Excel. From the analysis conducted, it was found that two authors were widely cited by archival writers, and the authors cited many laws and regulations of government institutions. In addition, from the articles analyzed, it was found that 51.9% of the cited writings did not fall into the category of old literature or obsolete literature. There were 458 citations by the authors of the articles, as well as 99 types of keywords published or, selected by the authors of the articles within three years, namely 2017-2019. In 2017-2019 the research trend in the field of archives published in the journal Diplomatics leads to research related to archives, dynamic archives, and archive management. These three things that are most often discussed show how important research is related to archives and their management. However, research trends can change over time and this is scientific development.


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How to Cite
Aliwijaya, A., Tri Rahma Kusuma Wardani, & Dewandaru, D. A. K. (2023). TREN PENELITIAN BIDANG KEARSIPAN DALAM JURNAL DIPLOMATIKA UNIVERSITAS GADJAH MADA (Analisis Bibliometrik) . Jurnal Pustaka Budaya, 10(2), 96-104.
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