• Alya Zahra Tiaranisa Universitas Padjadjaran
  • Tine Silvana Universitas Padjadjaran
Keywords: Library Cooperation, Collaboration, Information Technology Services


Collaboration involves combining the expertise and resources of both parties to improve technology services in the library. Without collaboration and cooperation with expert institutions in the field of information technology, obstacles can occur and hinder the delivery of the roles and functions of library institutions. The research aims to investigate the benefits, challenges, and solutions as well as analyze the success factors of collaboration on information technology services between the Library and PTIPD UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung as a form of internal cooperation. This research uses descriptive qualitative method through data collection using observation, interview, and literature study techniques. The findings show that with good collaboration between information institutions, the user community will be able to enjoy better, useful, and affordable access to information technology. Even so, the results show that there are programs that have not been implemented from this collaboration. Indicators of the success of collaboration show that program activities need to be developed and implemented so that information technology services in libraries can improve. Thus, through collaboration, the library can provide more adequate infrastructure facilities to users.


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How to Cite
Tiaranisa, A. Z., & Silvana, T. (2024). KOLABORASI LEMBAGA PERPUSTAKAAN DENGAN PTIPD UIN SUNAN GUNUNG DJATI BANDUNG DALAM MENINGKATKAN LAYANAN TEKNOLOGI INFORMASI. Jurnal Pustaka Budaya, 11(1), 9-16. https://doi.org/10.31849/pb.v11i1.16567
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