Affirmation Education Program: Bridging the Gap between Inclusion and Integration for Migrant Students

  • Dio Anggara Universitas Indonesia, Depok, Indonesia
Keywords: Well-being, Social support, Affirmation program, Migrant students, 3T regions


Migrant students face unique challenges and obstacles in their educational journey, particularly in terms of social support and overall well-being. This study aims to examine the relationship between social support and the well-being of migrant students participating in the Affirmation of Education Program (ADik) in Papua and the 3T Regions. Using a quantitative approach, data was collected from a sample of 34 active students through surveys and in-depth interviews. The study employed non-probability sampling, ensuring equal opportunity for 66 eligible students. The collected data was analyzed using SPSS, and the instrument's reliability and validity were established through pretesting. The results indicated that migrant students' well-being scores were particularly low in the area of mental well-being. Regression tests revealed that emotional support, network support, and informational support significantly influenced student well-being, while reward support and instrumental support showed no effect. Additionally, the network of religious groups and student diversity were found to play a role in determining student welfare. These findings underscore the importance of social support interventions targeting emotional support, networking, and information to enhance the well-being of migrant students in the ADik program in Papua and the 3T regions. Future programs and policies should prioritize the development of these aspects to improve the overall welfare of migrant students. This study contributes to our understanding of the challenges faced by migrant students and emphasizes the need for inclusive educational initiatives that address their social support needs and promote their well-being


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Author Biography

Dio Anggara, Universitas Indonesia, Depok, Indonesia

Dio Anggara is an accomplished social researcher with a wealth of experience in research methodology, program planning and evaluation, and community development. He actively engages with diverse organizations to enhance his managerial skills, including negotiation and teamwork, by collaborating with a wide range of stakeholders. Currently, Dio is pursuing a Master's degree in Sociology at Universitas Indonesia, specializing in social policy and development. His research interests encompass urban studies, organizational studies, public policy analysis, and community studies. With his expertise, Dio contributes valuable insights to the field and strives to make a positive impact on society.


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How to Cite
Anggara, D. (2023). Affirmation Education Program: Bridging the Gap between Inclusion and Integration for Migrant Students . Utamax : Journal of Ultimate Research and Trends in Education, 5(2), 114-125.
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