Journal Description
Journal title : Utamax : Journal of Ultimate Research and Trends in Education
Abbreviation: Utamax J. Ultim. Res. Trends Educ.
ISSN : 2685-4252 (Online) | 2685-0540 (Print)
Professional Bodies : LPPM-Universitas Lancang Kuning having MoU-1 and MoU-2 to raise its publication quality with Asosiasi Program Studi Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris (APSBSI) and Linguistics and Literature Association (LITA). Check here for the list of journal under LITA
Publication Frequency : Triannual publication journal, published every March, July and November. (In-Press Policy)
National Accreditation: SINTA 3 (Accredited by Indonesian Government, since December 27, 2021)
Indexed at : Crossref, Dimensions, PKP Index, OneSearch, Garuda
Archive Preservation : The Keepers (PKP PN), LPPM-Universitas Lancang Kuning
Deposit/Archiving Policy Directory : Portal Garuda