Rising English Students’ Motivation in Online Learning Platform: Telegram Apps Support

  • Rasyidah Nur Aisyah PGRI Wiranegara University, Pasuruan, Indonesia
  • Dewi Masitho Istiqomah PGRI Wiranegara University, Pasuruan, Indonesia
  • Muhammad Muchlisin PGRI Wiranegara University, Pasuruan, Indonesia
Keywords: Telegram, Telegram Bot, E-learning, Students’ Motivation


This study believes that it needs an effort that encourages students to carry out learning activities to achieve predetermined goals and motivation to determine students' success in the teaching-learning process. The objective of this study is to know the students’ motivation in learning after using e-learning materials using the Telegram app, i.e., telegram bot. This descriptive quantitative research used a closed questionnaire with 11 modified questions, and it was delivered to 46 respondents. Based on analysis of students' learning motivation before using the telegram bot it was highlighted into a good category 80.56%]. This study also manage to reveal three aspects that construct this presents study, namely interests, concerns, and needs. The analysis manage to record that the interesting aspect received 78.19%, the concern aspect received 82.18%, and the need aspect received 81.56%. Thus, and the average score of students' learning motivation was 80.56%. After using the telegram bot, the details of the recapitulation of the motivation questionnaire are as follows, aspects of interest get 84.17%, aspects of attention get 87.23%, aspects of needs get 86.70%, and the average score of student learning motivation is 85.98%. Thus, it can be concluded that the use of telegram bot as e-learning materials can increase student motivation.


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Author Biographies

Rasyidah Nur Aisyah, PGRI Wiranegara University, Pasuruan, Indonesia

Rasyidah Nur Aisyah is an English lecturer with many years of experinces. currently she is a Phd Candidate whose being focusing on studying and applying ICT for ELT (Including CALL and MALL) and one of the application that she used and reccomended in teaching English is Telegram apps,  i.e.,Telegram bot, and Telegram Channel.

Dewi Masitho Istiqomah, PGRI Wiranegara University, Pasuruan, Indonesia

Dewi Masitho Istiqomah  is an English Lecturer in University of PGRI Wiranegara with many years of experiences. She hold Master's Degree in English Education from University of Islamic Malang in 2016 and open any possibilities for gaining a scholarship for pursuing doctorate level at very soon. Dewi focusing on researching and teaching on listening skill among students from different level of backgrounds.  She recently joining several courses which learning how to use LMS (Learning Management System) and Telegram as teaching media for EFL students in Indonesia.

Muhammad Muchlisin, PGRI Wiranegara University, Pasuruan, Indonesia

Muhammad Muchlisin a.k.a Caksin was born in Tuban, March 16th  1980. He started his career as a teacher in State Vocational  School 4 Malang in 2010 and now working as a lecturer. He hold master degree at State University of Malang Faculty of Letter since 2013. His interested in technology to support the way of  teaching i.e.,  Telegram as a teaching and learning media.  He creates Telegram channel and Youtube channel to share his exprerience about Telegram and many other teaching media to the fellow teachers around the globe


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How to Cite
Nur Aisyah, R., Istiqomah, D. M., & Muchlisin, M. (2021). Rising English Students’ Motivation in Online Learning Platform: Telegram Apps Support. Utamax : Journal of Ultimate Research and Trends in Education, 3(2), 90-96. https://doi.org/10.31849/utamax.v3i2.6464
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