Author Guidelines
- All manuscripts should be sent to the Editor of Jurnal Niara through the Online Submission in this address
- Jurnal Niara receives scientific articles about results of research, reviews of research results, methodologies or new approaches.
- Only articles which are not published yet or will not be published in other media will be accepted.
- The manuscript is written in English or Indonesian.
- The abstract should be short but informative, consisting of 150 to 250 words and accompanied by 3 to 6 keywords for making indexing purposes.
- The manuscript should be written in Microsoft Word using single line spacing in A4 format.
- The title of the manuscript should be short and informative, consisting of 18 words maximum.
- The names of authors should be written in full accompanied by the name of the agency or institution and address of the author(s).
- The manuscript of a research result should be written in a systematical order consisting of: title, the name of the author(s), abstract accompanied with keywords, introduction (with no subtitle, informing the background, literature review, and problem statement or the objective of the research), methods, result, discussion (conclusion and recommendation should be put at the end of discussion), references.