• Nurul Oktavia Universitas Padjadjaran
  • Wina Erwina Universitas Padjadjaran
  • Asep Saeful Rohman Universitas Padjadjaran
Keywords: Pregnant Women, Infographic, Health Information, Public Health Center


Information about the health of pregnant women is one of the pregnant women’s needs. It is important for health centers to provide media that present health information for pregnant women as an education facilitator to increase health literacy for pregnant women. Moreover, the Public Health Center of Jatinangor has not provided information to the media that presents information about the health of pregnant women for pregnant women in Maternal and Child Health room. This study is conduct to provide information media that repackages health information for pregnant women in the form of an infographics in Maternal and Child Health room in the Public Health Center of Jatinangor. This study aims to know what kind of infographics that appropriate for Maternal and Child Health room, to find out the information, visual elements, and information/visual hierarchies that need to be presented in the infographics. This research uses action research method. Data collected by using observation, interview, questionnaire, and literature study technique. Interviews done with pregnant women patients, midwives, infographic expert, and the Public Health Center of Jatinangor officer. Through this research, it can be seen that the appropriate infographic to be placed in the Maternal and Child Health room of Jatinangor Health Center is a printed statistical infographic with a simple design; the room of information packaged in the infographic is information on the prevention of problems in pregnancy that often occur in Jatinangor; the visual elements used in the infographic is bright colors, simple geometric shapes, clear and large fonts, high-resolution and informational images, and proper white space composition; as well as information and visual hierarchies used in infographic is simple and straightforward hierarchies.


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How to Cite
Oktavia, N., Erwina, W., & Rohman, A. S. (2022). The INFOGRAFIS KESEHATAN IBU HAMIL DI RUANG KESEHATAN IBU DAN ANAK PUSKESMAS JATINANGOR. Jurnal Pustaka Budaya, 9(1), 28-35.
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