Author Guidelines


    1. Articles include fields of English Language Teaching and Learning, Applied Linguistics, and Literature. The manuscript is typed paper A4 (210x297mm)in 12-point Times New Roman, single space. The article should be between 10-13 pages.
    2. The author's identity must include under the title including full name without the academic degree, institution name, and including media that can access internationally (phone/ fax/e-mail). Autor’s name (Times New Roman, 12, Centred ), Affilation (11-point Times New Roman, Italics, Centred, Single Space).
    3. The author's identity must include under the title including the complete name. The article is written English. The title is not more than 12 words. Abstracts must be between 200 and 250 words. Keywords must exist, consisting of 3-5 words/phrases and listed under abstract. The images and tables referred must include the references.
    4. Systematics of research results articles are title; author's identity; abstract; keywords; Introduction, Method,  Finding and Discussion; Conclusion, References.
    5. Introduction includes the explanation of research result toward the result of previous research to get research gap.
    6. Discussion refers to the result of data analysis and the result of previous research finding comparison.
    7. Conclusion should answer the objectives of research. Tell how your work advances the field  from the present  state of knowledge.
    8. Tables don’t use vertikal lines, it is allowed use horizontal lines.
    9. Page number is on top of page.
    1. Rules and procedures for references should use of articles from scientific journals and current book that are published no more than 5 years before and use a minimum of 10 references. Use of material from web pages is not recommended. The following are examples of writing references:
    • Author1 A, Author2 B. Article Title. Journal Name. Year; vol (no): page.
    • Author1 A, Author2 B. Article Title. Conference Name. City. Year; vol: page.
    • Author1 A, Author2 B. Book Title. Edition. City: Publisher. Year: page.
    • Title of Thesis / Dissertation. Thesis / Dissertation. City & Campus Name; Year.
    • Author1 A, Author2 B. Title. Patent Number. Publication Year.
    • Standard number. Title. Publication Place. Publisher. Publication Year
    • Author / Editor (If the editor adds (ed. /Eds.) After the name). Title. Organization.   
    1. Articles’ authors will be checked by plagiarism check by Turnitin check, similarity that can be found at least 20%
    2. Author should pay Rp 300.000/article

    Author guidelines can be downloaded in Author Guideline