The Correlation toward Students’ Vocabulary Mastery between Using Jig Saw and TGT Technique
The purpose of this study was to find out whether, using Jigsaw and TGT techniques effectively to improve student mastery of vocabulary, there were several different effects between using Jigsaw and TGT techniques on mastery of students' vocabulary. This study uses comprehensive studies using trials, initial tests, treatments, and final tests. For the first treatment, the highest score was 60 and the lowest score was 40. For the second treatment, the highest score was 70 and the lowest score was 45. In the third treatment, the highest score was 80 and the lowest score was 50 The posttest results showed that in the experimental class the score the highest from the first treatment to the third treatment was 100 and the lowest score was 65 with an average of 78. On the other hand, in the control class the highest score from the first treatment to the third treatment was 90 and the lowest score was 55 with an average of 70.44. Based on the results of the research to be considered to help students master English more easily, pleasant and without pressure. This method is intended to increase student vocabulary, if this method applies in class or outside the class. Students can feel enjoyed and interested in the material. Finally, English material will be easier, more fun and without pressure to be understood and mastered by students. So, if possible, it would be better to add time for English lessons
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