Speaking Activities Used in English Community of English Study Program in Enhancing Students’ Speaking Skill

  • Rachman Prasetio IAIN Curup


Abstract: Speaking skill is the skill that makes us communicate to each other effectively. The objectives of this study were (1) to find out the implementation of speaking activities used in English community, (2) to find out the problem of speaking activities. The subject of this study was the fourth semester of English Study Program at IAIN Curup which consisted of 53 students. In this study, the reseachers used descriptive qualitative method by using questionnaire and interview as the encouragement of the data. This study found that the findings of this study, reseachers found that the implementation of speaking activities started with the instruction of the activity, gave the topic, encouraged students with nice activities, and supported with the positive feedback at the end of activity. For the problem, the reseachers found two problems that significant appeared. The problems were inhibition and lack of theme to be spoken.


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How to Cite
Rachman Prasetio. (2020). Speaking Activities Used in English Community of English Study Program in Enhancing Students’ Speaking Skill. ELT-Lectura, 7(2), 103-112. https://doi.org/10.31849/elt-lectura.v7i2.4353
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