Speaking Up: A Comprehensive Investigation of EFL Secondary Students' Speaking Skill Problems in Indonesia's Islamic School Context

Keywords: EFL learners, Islamic schools, Secondary students, Speaking problems, Speaking skill


This study aims to explore the problems encountered by EFL secondary students in learning speaking skills in the context of Islamic schools in Indonesia. The study employed a descriptive qualitative method and used observation, interview, and questionnaire as data collection instruments. The findings revealed that the problems encountered by students in speaking skills can be categorized into four groups: language problems, mental problems, personal problems, and education problems. Language problems included mother tongue interference, poor pronunciation, poor grammar, unnatural spoken English, slow speech, and limited vocabulary. Mental problems included nervousness, shame, low confidence, and lack of ideas. Personal problems consisted of attitude, laziness, environmental effects, and cultural gaps. Finally, education problems included the technique and method of teaching, facilities in teaching-learning, and limited use of media. The results of the study underscore the importance of speaking instruction for EFL learners and the need for teachers and researchers to consider language learners' speaking needs in the context of teaching and learning English. This study contributes to the ongoing discussion on EFL speaking instruction and provides implications for teachers and researchers in designing effective language teaching programs.


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Author Biographies

Rusdin Rusdin, STKIP Yapis Dompu, Dompu, Indonesia

Rusdin, the Magister of English (Linguistic), is a lecturer of STKIP Yapis Dompu College and English teacher at MAN Dompu. He also had experiences taught English at the primary school in Japan at Saitama-Ken for a couple of years. He has published some books, article journals, and designed teaching English resources. His research interests are English curriculum, sociolinguistics in education, ethnography in education and English teaching grammar.


Diana Purwati, STKIP Yapis Dompu, Dompu, Indonesia

Diana Purwati is a lecturer and the chief of Language Development Center, STKIP Yapis Dompu, NTB, Indonesia. She obtained her Master of Education TESOL at The University of South Australia. She was an awardee of Australia Awards Scholarship. Diana’s research interests are on Language and Culture, EFL/ESL, Speaking skill, Language and Identity, and Technology in Education. Diana has published some research papers and participated in various national and international conferences.


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How to Cite
Rusdin, R., & Purwati, D. (2023). Speaking Up: A Comprehensive Investigation of EFL Secondary Students’ Speaking Skill Problems in Indonesia’s Islamic School Context. Elsya : Journal of English Language Studies, 5(2), 236-249. https://doi.org/10.31849/elsya.v5i2.11911
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