Representation of Power through Politeness Strategies in Bridgerton Season 1 Movie

Keywords: Authority, Power Representation, Politeness Strategy, Pragmatics, Representation


Power can change how people act, how they think, what they do, and what policies they follow. People can reflect their power through the use of politeness strategies in their speech. This study aims to identify the types of politeness strategies and sub-strategies used in characters of Bridgerton Season 1 and explain how power is represented through politeness strategies. Its scenes and dialogue show qualities of decency and strength that need more exploration using the design of descriptive qualitative method. The pragmatic analysis in this study employed the theory of politeness strategy and the representation concept. The findings showed the use of bald on-record strategy, positive and negative politeness strategies, and off-record strategy. In addition, the representations of each strategy involved reflective, inflectional, and constructionist approaches. In the movie, the royal family, which includes kings, queens, princes, and their heirs, performed a symbol of power that plays a role in how power is used. Notably, the royal family serves as the show's symbol of power, highlighting its link to supremacy and authority.  It implied that power is a sovereign thing based on authority and sovereignty. As the implication of this study, the future researchers should use sources of information that cover wider contexts.


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Author Biographies

Nur Iva Amalia, Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim, Malang, Indonesia

Nur Iva Amalia got her bachelor degree from Maulana Malik Ibrahim State Islamic University in the department of English Literature. During her study at the university, she participated in student council handling entrepreneurship and personnel quality divisions, she also took a position in the commissariat management for public relations division which helped her so much in gaining new insights, new relations, teamwork experiences, building the framework of thinking and communication skill, especially public speaking and helping her in how to solve the problem. Her current research interest is on Psycholinguistics and Applied Linguistics.

Rohmani Nur Indah, Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim, Malang, Indonesia

Rohmani Nur Indah is an associate professor of English Language Teaching. She teaches Psycholinguistics and writing skills at faculty of Humanities in Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang. She obtained her doctoral degree at State University of Malang. She also serves as editor in chief of Lingua journal and the managing editor of El Harakah Journal of Islamic Culture. In these positions, she is responsible for ensuring the quality of the content and providing guidance and support to the authors who contribute to them. Her current research deals with language disorder, critical thinking, and rethorical pattern.

Jessica Yunanda Bahtiar, Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim, Malang, Indonesia

Jessica Yunanda Bahtiar was graduated from English literature of Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang with a passion for digital marketing and SEO skills. Besides linguistics, her passion is in crafting high-quality content and analysing data to drive traffic and engagement. Throughout her academic journey, she has developed strong writing and research skills and also has a keen eye for detail and a deep understanding of how language and communication work. It allows her to create content that resonates with audiences and meets the needs of clients. Her current research interest covers Pragmatics and Psycholinguistics.


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How to Cite
Amalia, N. I., Indah, R. N., & Bahtiar, J. Y. (2023). Representation of Power through Politeness Strategies in Bridgerton Season 1 Movie. Elsya : Journal of English Language Studies, 5(3), 385-397.
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