Macao, Qatar and Jordan: A Cross-Country Exploration of Three Countries’ Literacy Enrichment Programs

Keywords: Cross-country, Enrichment Activities, Literacy Enrichment, Literature Review, Reading


When assessing a country’s level of education, referring to their Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) scores can be stated as an overused trend, one that has been criticised as PISA alone is not the most perfect way to judge a country’s readiness. To address this weakness, this study will also refer to the Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS), another world-class test that specifically focuses on literacy, yet has been underutilised in reading-related research. This paper is a case study on three countries which have shown different levels of performances. Using PISA and PIRLS reports as the main data and general literature review to supplement the contextual details of the reported results, the analysis focused on how Macao, Qatar and Jordan employ diverse strategies to cultivate and elevate literacy skills among their students. Results show that Macao is a leader in government-led efforts that focused on developing teacher competence, Qatar develops their children’s literacy through collaboration and competition, and Jordan focuses on all language skills in balance (with few programs exclusively concerned on reading competence).  The novelty of the findings is its comparison of two international assessments that have a different scope, as PISA offers a holistic view of contextual factors affecting literacy whereas PIRLS covers information that are crucial for understanding early literacy development.


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Author Biographies

Uspessy Shuha Cornelia, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia

Uspessy Shuha Cornelia was born in 1995. She completed her bachelor's degree in English Education at Universitas Kristen Indonesia in 2017 and commenced her career at I Can Read the following year. In 2021, she embarked on her master's degree journey at Universitas Negeri Jakarta, focusing on English Education. Teaching English has always been her passion, driving her to stay informed about the latest developments in the field. She is dedicated to continuous improvement in her teaching practice, integrating current issues and innovations in English education to enhance her students' learning experiences and her own professional growth.

Ilza Mayuni, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia

Prof. Dr. Ilza Mayuni, M.A., born in 1959, is a distinguished Indonesian educator with a notable career. He served as the Dean of the Faculty of Languages and Arts at Jakarta State University (UNJ) and holds the position of Coordinator of Private Higher Education Coordination (Kopertis) Region III Jakarta, responsible for overseeing 336 private universities in Jakarta. Dr. Mayuni earned his Doctorate in Language Education from Jakarta State University, complemented by a Master's degree in Applied Linguistics from Macquarie University in Sydney, Australia. He completed his Bachelor's degree in English Education from FP BS IKIP Padang. Married to Erman Syamsuddin, he is a proud parent to two children: Gita Handayani and Ridha Ghassiny.


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How to Cite
Cornelia, U. S., & Mayuni, I. (2024). Macao, Qatar and Jordan: A Cross-Country Exploration of Three Countries’ Literacy Enrichment Programs. Elsya : Journal of English Language Studies, 6(2), 161-171.
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