• Amalia Uma Khoirunnisa
  • Yunus Winoto
  • Rully Khairul Anwar
Keywords: Collection development, experience, children’s library


This research is based on the fact of librarians' experience in developing collections in Children's Library Library which includes experience in analyzing user needs, librarian experiences in implementing collection development policies, librarian experiences in selecting collections, librarian experiences in acquiring collections, experience in weeding collections and evaluating collections at the Children's Library Library according to librarian experience. This research focuses on the experience of librarians in the development of collections at the Pustakalana Children's Library by referring to the collection development theory proposed by Edward G. Evans (2005) regarding seven stages of collection development namely user needs analysis, policy, selection, acquisition, weeding, and evaluation. This study uses qualitative methods with a phenomenological study approach. Data collection is done by observation, interviews and documentation. The informants in this study were the librarians of the Pustakalana Children's Library. The results of this study indicate that the experience felt by librarians in developing collections at the Pustakalana Children's Library is different.


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How to Cite
Khoirunnisa, A. U., Winoto, Y., & Anwar, R. K. (2020). PENGALAMAN PUSTAKAWAN DALAM PENGEMBANGAN KOLEKSI. Jurnal Pustaka Budaya, 7(1), 1-9.
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